Laetare ’12 – John 6:1-15

Old Testament: Exodus 16:2-21
Epistle: Gal. 4:21-31
Holy Gospel: John 6:1-15

Sermon summary: By the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, we learn that Jesus is both the prophet who as come into the world (Messiah & Christ) and the Lord who supplies our every need of body and soul. We hear how Jesus gives us eternal things each week. We often forget He gives our every bodily need, daily and yearly. Teach us to pray: forgive us our trespasses and give us this day our daily bread.

Lenten Catechesis IV 2012 – Holy Baptism

Psalm 4 (antiphon: v. 8)
Office Hymn: 423 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary
OT: 2 Kings 5:1-14; Ep: Acts 2:36-47; Gos: Mt 28:16-20
Catechetical Hymn: 596 All Christians Who Have Been Baptized

Summary: It is necessary that we be instructed not just in the Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, and Apostles’ Creed, but also in the holy Sacraments and the Office of the Keys. Why? The Sacraments are the means of grace by which God creates and sustains faith in His Word. He does this by His Word and in His Name. Especially with Holy Baptism, Jesus and the Apostles clearly teach that the baptism is necessary for salvation. Without receiving the holy sacraments in faith, we cannot be consider ourselves Christian. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Yet, Baptism is not just about God’s command but also about His word of promise. Great promises are attached to Baptism, making it a wonderful treasure for every Christian.

Oculi ’12 – Luke 11:14-28

Summary: The Word of God always works to drive out the devil. This Word exorcised you from Satan’s grasp at your baptism. This Word keeps casting him out in the forgiveness of sins. The Word of the Lord’s Supper fights the battle again, driving him away. The believer receives this great gift with awe and thanks. Others piously mock these means of grace. Some piously doubt that Word, preached, declared, washed, and fed can do such great things. There is a battle afoot for your soul. Receive the gift of the Word and so escape the clutches of the Wicked One.