Good Friday Hauptgottesdienst ’12 – John 18:1—19:42

Why do we commemorate Good Friday when it is so familiar to us? Why consider the Passion of Christ when it is confessed each Lord’s day: “He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried?” We are not reliving the moments, being transported in a “where you there?” sense. No, we are dutifully hearing God’s Word and rejoicing in its fulfillment. All things are being accomplished “according to the Scriptures.” The Word of the Prophets must be fulfilled and it is in our hearing the Passover. “Crucify Him!” is the Word fulfilled. The Word of promise to Eve and against Satan fulfilled. The Psalmist fulfilled. Isaiah fulfilled. The Passover fulfilled. Eternal salvation fulfilled.

(I am heavily indebted to Luther’s 1533 Good Friday House Postil for this sermon.)

Holy Thursday ’12 – John 13:1-15 [34-35]

Holy Thursday. Is it about foot washing? Is it about the Lord’s Supper? Yes. It is about Jesus serving you. Divine Service. Loving His own even unto the end. “Do you understand what I have done to you?” No, Peter, Judas, and the rest did not. But after these things, namely after His death and resurrection, Peter and the disciples learned. We learned. Jesus came forth to die. To do the impossible for you. Whether it be foot washing or Lord’s Supper, He is serving you. He is doing everything for you. Suffering. Dying. Rising. Giving. Divinely serving. Forgiving. Loving. For you.