“Why I Am a Lutheran?” 07 – We Will Live Forever

Join us each week on Wednesday after Divine Service (~7:45pm) for snacks and a study of Daniel Preus’s excellent little book, “Why I Am A Lutheran?” Feel free to join us as you are able. No advance preparation is required.

I referred to this brief text from Franz Pieper’s Christian Dogmatics on the state of souls between death and resurrection. And the full text to the excellent Kingo hymn is found here: Like the Golden Sun Ascending

The attached audio omits the text of the book and includes only our discussion. If you’d like to pick up a copy of the book, both are available from Concordia Publishing House and Amazon including Kindle.

“Why I Am a Lutheran?” 06 – Font, Pulpit, Altar

Join us each week on Wednesday after Divine Service (~7:45pm) for snacks and a study of Daniel Preus’s excellent little book, “Why I Am A Lutheran?” Feel free to join us as you are able. No advance preparation is required.

The attached audio omits the text of the book and includes only our discussion. If you’d like to pick up a copy of the book, both are available from Concordia Publishing House and Amazon including Kindle.

“Why I Am a Lutheran?” 05b – Mount Zion and Holy Communion

Join us each week on Wednesday after Divine Service (~7:45pm) for snacks and a study of Daniel Preus’s excellent little book, “Why I Am A Lutheran?” Feel free to join us as you are able. No advance preparation is required.

The attached audio omits the text of the book and includes only our discussion. If you’d like to pick up a copy of the book, both are available from Concordia Publishing House and Amazon including Kindle.