in Catechesis, Sermons

Lenten Catechesis VI 2012 – Sacrament of the Altar

Psalm 43 (antiphon: v. 5)
Office Hymn: 435 Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain
OT: Exod 24:1-11
Ep: 1 Cor 11:17-34
Gos: Mt: 26:17-29
Catechetical Reading: The Sacrament of the Altar (hymnal p. 326-7)
Catechetical Hymn: 617 O Lord, We Praise Thee

Summary: As with Baptism and Confession, Luther compels us to ask three questions regarding the Sacrament of the Altar. What is it? What benefits does it give? Who should receive it? The answer to all three is found in the Verba, the Words of Institution. While we would hope that these words would be enough, some would still despise them or fail to discern what Jesus says of the Sacrament. This is the Devil’s workmanship. He hates the Christ and he hates Christ’s body and blood. He would lead us into unbelief, error, and neglect, so that we would starve ourselves and our children from this life-giving food for souls. May it not be so!